All of our downloadables in one page (WHLP, LAS, SumTest, PT, Modules, etc.)

In this post, we compiled all of our downloadables for easier navigation. This includes WHLP, LAS, Modules, Summative Tests, Performance Tasks, and many more.

If you are looking for free-to-download learning and teaching materials, then you are at the right place. Teacher Tayo is a website in where you can find compilation of downloadables, and the following materials are just some among the many others that we compiled.

If you like these materials, then you can follow our Facebook page for constant updates for new materials, or you could also join our Facebook group for more exclusive materials like the ones in here.

Performance TasksDOWNLOAD
Summative TestsDOWNLOAD
School FormsDOWNLOAD
Marungko BookletsDOWNLOAD

Disclaimer: Some of the files here are not originally created by us. These posts is created for information, education and dissemination purposes only, NO copyright infringement intended, for more questions and inquiries contact us through our Facebook page, @teachertayo.


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