Reading Comprehension, with five Wh-questions for each
A reading comprehension activity that contains 30 different stories, with five Wh-Questions for each. “Comprehension adds meaning to what is…
We offer hundreds of free downloadable such as workbooks, modules, powerpoints and many others.
A reading comprehension activity that contains 30 different stories, with five Wh-Questions for each. “Comprehension adds meaning to what is…
This worksheet will improve the learners reading comprehension by celebrating together with Lee on his birthday. After reading the context,…
To understand what you read, is a skill many of us have a hard time doing. Specially when it is…
Learning how to read and write by answering CVC worksheets is a great way to further reinforce the learners knowledge…
Free-to-download “phonics poetry” learning material that makes use of phonics and poetry, as the title suggests, in teaching how to…
Free-to-download “phonic poems” learning material that uses the fuller method. Phonics is a method for teaching people how to read…
Learning how to multiply is now easier with the help of these multiplication wheels. After learning addition and subtraction, multiplication…
Free-to-download reading flashcard for learning long vowel words. Long Vowels Word Family Preview: File Info:File type: PDFFile Size: 3.8 MBPage/s:…
This free-to-download worksheet is for learning how to spell animal names, 43 animals in particular. In this activity, adult supervision…
Free-to-download CVC worksheet called hidden pictures, with a splash of counting numbers. In this worksheet, a given number of pictures…