On September 17, 2021, the Department of Education (DepEd) issued Advisory No. 054, s. 2021, with a title of “Teachers Can Create: Upskilling Teachers as Content Creators and Instructional Media Designers Webinar Workshop Series and Heroes of Learning Photography Competition,” in compliance with DepEd Order (DO) No. 8, s. 2013.
CLICK HERE to download the pdf version of the DepEd Advisory or scroll down below to read it.
On the same day, the following Advisories were also issued, which are also in compliance to DepEd Order (DO) No. 8, s. 2013.
- Participation in the 5th Indie-Siyensya Filmmaking Competition
- Celebration of the National Science and Technology Week and NSTW Sci-Math Battle 2021
- Unsung Sariling Bayani: Short Film Competition of the Film Development Council of the Philippines
Browse through our website for free-to-download contents such as LAS, WHLP, Modules and many more. You can start here.
Advisory No. 054, s. 2021
September 17, 2021
In compliance with DepEd Order (DO) No. 8, s. 2013
This advisory is issued not for endorsement per DO 28, s. 2001,
but only for the information of DepEd officials,
personnel/staff, as well as the concerned public.
(Visit www.deped.gov.ph)
The Tagpros Children, in partnership with Power Mac Center (PMC), will celebrate the National Teachers’ Month with a very special webinar workshop series titled Teachers Can Create: Upskilling Teachers as Content Creators and Instructional Media Designers.
Running from September 11 to October 9, this webinar workshop series aims to help teachers create a better educational content and instructional materials, especially in the context of distance learning.
Interested participants can register for the following webinar workshop sessions through these links:
1. Creating Effective Instructional Videos (September 11, 2021, 1:30-3:30 PM) – https://bit.ly/TagprosSeptWebinar2
2. Digital Storytelling: A Great Tool in Teaching (September 18, 2021, 1:30-3:30 PM) – https://bit.ly/TagprosSeptWebinar3
3. Using Scratch and Coding to Gamify Learning and Teaching (September 25, 2021, 1:30-3:30 PM) – https://bit.ly/TagprosSeptWebinar4
4. Teacher Certifications: What are your options? (October 2, 2021, 1:30- 3:30 PM) – https://bit.ly/TagprosOctWebinar1
5. Special Online Panel Discussion and Announcement of Heroes of Learning Photography Competition (October 9, 2021, 1:30-3:30 PM) – https://bit.ly/TagprosOctWebinar2
Aside from the webinar workshop series, Tagpros Children and PMC are also launching a photography contest titled, “Heroes of Learning,” where teachers, students, and school leaders can nominate a teacher who has inspired them to persevere in learning during the pandemic.
To nominate a teacher, a high-resolution photo depicting the teacher’s inspirational story as a hero and frontliner of education in the pandemic must be posted on Facebook, preferably shot using a high-resolution smartphone.
Posts should have a caption of at least 150 words answering the question: How did this teacher inspire students to continue studying at this time of the pandemic? Public posts should also tag Tagpros and PMC, and use the hashtags #PMCxTagpros, #MyTeacherHero, and #HeroesofLearning2021.
Top four entries (one from NCR, one from Luzon, one from Visayas, and one from Mindanao) will be chosen to win P10,000 worth of prizes (in form of cash and products). The nominator of each winner will also win P2,500 worth of prizes (in form of products). Winners will be announced during the Webinar Panel Discussion on October 9, 2021.
WNBO/SMMA/APA/MPC, DA Tagpros Children’s Webinar Workshop Series and Photography Contest
0263 – September 15, 2021