Teacher Tayo aims to provide a simple, fast but reliable and timely solution to the needs of teachers like you. Teacher Tayo is your all-in-one solution for DepEd news, updates, and many downloadable.
We have crafted the website to load in mere seconds with simple and minimalistic design, so that finding what you need will be a breeze. Our website runs on ads, but we made sure not to include obtrusive ads that slow down your download.
Our Services
Downloadable files are being uploaded into two separate storage servers to provide higher availability to your needed files and other information. Downloadable materials are just one-click away.
Teacher Tayo is an online resource for anything teaching related, we offer FREE to download Weekly Home Learning Plan, ADM Modules/ Self Learning Modules, DepEd Lesson Plan (DLP), Daily Lesson Log (DLL), Budget of Work (BOW), Teachers Guide (TG), Teaching Materials, Learning Materials, Periodical Test Exams, Automated School Forms, PowerPoint Presentations, RPMS, PPST, Portfolio, IPCRF, Tips and Guides, Deped Order, Deped memo, News and Current Updates from DepEd (Department of Education) and so much more.
How to reach us
Teacher Tayo is a growing family of teachers around the country. If you have any problem, you can shoot us a message at teachertayoph@gmail.com. Also, you can like our Facebook Page for daily updates every time we make new downloadable or news.